// Features
The actual cheat may have more features than displayed below. We will do our best to update it fully in the near future.
- Enable aimbot
- Visibility check
- Show snapline
- Smoothing (more > faster)
- Show fov
- Fov
- Distance
- Bones selection
- Hotkey selection
- Open loot list
- Loot list sort type:
- Name
- Price
- Weapons
- Weapon accessories
- Ammo
- Equipments
- Medical suppliers
- Provisions
- Keys
- Other items
- Show item price
- Limit by price
- Display distance
- Possibly added later: Quest items/display quest items
- Only visible
- My team players
- Name
- Team
- Health
- Corpse
- Weapon in hands
- Line
- Box type
- Disabled
- 2D
- 3D
- Skeleton type:
- Disabled
- Default
- Health
- Skeleton line thickness
- Skeleton display distance
- Distance
- Display distance
- Draw crosshair
- Crosshair color
- Only visible
- Name
- Health
- Weapon in hands
- Corpse
- Line
- Box type
- Disabled
- 2D
- 3D
- Skeleton type:
- Disabled
- Default
- Health
- Skeleton line thickness
- Skeleton display distance
- Distance
- Display distance
- Hotkey to disable loot
- Menu opening hotkey
- Enable radar
- Show players
- Show bots
- Display distance
- Position by X
- Position by Y
- Size
- Alpha
- Change color if (players / bots) is visible
- Invisible players color
- Visible players
- Players color
- Bots color
- Corpses color
- My team players color
- Knocked players color
- Selected items color
- Weapons color
- Weapon accessories color
- Ammo color
- Equipments color
- Medical supplies color
- Provisions color
- Keys color
- Other items color